‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it’ (Proverbs 22:6). Keeping this in mind there is morning worship from 9.25 am to 9.45 am on all Tuesdays & Thursdays at St. Gregorios Chapel. It involves a singing session, a prayer session and a sermon. Every last Friday of every month ‘Holy Qurbana’ is offered.
NRC is a common facility to the students and staff which caters to their computing needs. There is facility for internet browsing and taking printouts along with audio and video facilities.
Erosion of value is a menus in the present time. Value education is being imparted in a systematic way. Generally value education classes are being held on alternate Thursdays.
Tutorial System is yet another healthy practice in the College. Students are divided in to different groups of size about 20 and each group is assigned to a teacher to give them personal attention.
A Women’s Cell is functioning in the College for addressing women related issues and for co-ordinating programmes to empower women students.
A unit of Mor Gregorious Jacobite Students Movement of India is functioning in the college with the whole hearted co-operation of the Church. Bible studies and value embedded programmes are being conducted.
In every semester after the internal examinations, parents are invited to the college and the academic progress of their ward is assessed in the presence of their teachers.