Baselios Poulose II Catholicose College

Govt. aided minority institution affiliated to
Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam
Re-Accredited with 'A' Grade by NAAC


Dr. Baby Paul

M.Tech. Ph.D.

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Research Projects Completed

Dr. Baby Paul was the Principal Investigator of the Minor Research Project titled “Portable ECG Monitor with Computer Interface” (2007) funded by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi.
Baby Paul
1. Baby Paul , Shanavaz K.T., MYthily P. (October 2015, A New Optimized Wavelet Tranform for Heart Beat Classification, International Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology-World Scientific Publishing Company Volume 15, Issue 05.
2. Baby Paul, Mythili P. (2012). ECG noice removal using GA turned sign-data least mean Square algorithm. Proc. Annual International IEEE Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies (ICACCCT) (pp. 978-1-4673-2045-0,pp. 100-103.). IEEE explore.
3. Baby Paul, Shanavaz K.T., Mythili P. (August 2012). Towards the development of a new Wavellet for ECG classification. Pro. Annaul Internation IEEE Conference on Power. Signals, Controls and Computation (pp.978-1-4673-0446-7,pp.1-5), IEEE explore.
4. Hongkong paper to be retained here.
5. Baby Paul, Dr. Raju K. John, “Service Learning experiences in a Dalit community,” presented at the 1st Asia Pacific Regional conference on Service Learning organized by the Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong, SAR, 30th May to 2nd June 2007.
6. Baby Paul, K.T. Shanavaz, P. Mythili, “Towards the development of a new wavelet for ECG classification,” presented at the IEEE sponsored International conference on Power, Signals, Control & Computation (EPSCICON 2012), Thrissur, Kerala, India, January 03th to 06th 2012.