Positions held
1. Founding Head of the Department, Department of Electronics, B. P. C. College, Piravom, Kerala, India (1995-1998, 2003-2007).
2. Founding member of Board of Studies for Electronics (PG and UG) of Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.
3. Course Co-Ordinator M. Sc. Electronics (2004-2007).
4. Staff Adviser of B. P. C. College, Piravom.
5. President of Electronics Association, B. P. C. College, Piravom.
6. Chief Editor of Electronews (A publication of Electronics Department, B. P. C. College, Piravom).
7. Invigilator of University Examinations, M. G. University, Kottayam.
8. Invigilator of PSC Examinations, PSC, Kerala.
9. Faculty Adviser of Scholar Support Programme, Govt. of Kerala.
10. Mentor of Walk With Scholar Programme, Govt. of Kerala.
11. Resource Person for Value Education programme of B. P. C. College, Piravom.
12. Member of College Research Council, B.P.C. College, Piravom.
13. PTA Executive member of B. P. C. College, Piravom.
14. Class-Teacher in Charge for various classes of B. Sc. Electronics of different Batches.
15. Actively involved in committees constituted for NAAC accreditation of B. P. C. College for Cycle-I (2013) and Cycle-II (2019).
16. Member of College Council, B. P. C. College, Piravom.
17. Member of College Discipline Committee, B.P.C. College, Piravom.
18. Chairman of various Enquiry Committees of B. P. C. College, Piravom.
19. CEO of an Electronics and Telecommunication Company.
20. Worked as Service Engineer for various Electronics and Telecommunication companies.
21. Member of the founding Board of Studies of Electronics (PG and UG), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.
22. Chairman / Chief / Additional Superintendent, Board of Examiners of B. Sc. Electronics, MG University, Kottayam.
23. Peer Reviewer of various national and international Journals
24. Technical peer reviewer of various International and national conferences / Journals
25. Senior Member of IEEE, USA.
26. Senior Member of IACSIT, Singapore.
27. Member of HeartMath Institute, California, USA
28. Senior Member of IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, USA.
29. Senior Member of IEEE Biometrics Council.
30. Senior Member of IEEE Nanotechnology Council.
31. Senior Member of IEEE Cloud Computing Community.
32. Senior Member of IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Community.
33. Senior Member of IEEE EMBS Technical Committee on Biomedical and Health Informatics.
34. Senior Member of IEEE EMBS Technical Committee on Bio Robotics.
35. Senior Member of IEEE Brain Community.
36. Senior Member of IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics.
37. Junior Research Fellow (JRF) / Project fellow at DOE, CUSAT, Cochin-22.
38. Consultant Software QA Engineer at Barilla America, Inc. Lincolnshire, IL, USA
39. SAP Functional Consultant (SAP R/3) for Integrated Software Solutions, Inc., Princeton Junction, NJ, USA.
40. Question Paper Setter for Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam and Kerala University, Thiruvananthapuram
41. Member of College NAAC Committee
42. President of Electronics Association
43. Life Member of YMCA, Ernakulam
Responsibilities handled
1. Designed and developed workload and syllabi for B. Sc. Electronics and M. Sc. Electronics for M. G. University, Kottayam.
2. Designed and Developed the Laboratories of the Electronics Department of B. P. C. College, Piravom.
3. Engaged in the duties such as Invigilator of Kerala Public Service Commission Examinations.
4. Lecturing theory classes of computer and electronics subjects.
5. Conducting lab sessions of electronics and computer subjects.
6. Leading Electronics Department as Head of the Department.
7. Participated in the various activities of the college and the department.
8. Guided students in their various project works.
9. Conducted Open houses for various classes as part of PTA meeting to interact with parents.
10. Conducted Tutorial sessions for various groups of students of the classes of different batches.
11. Delivered sermons at the college chapel during the church service in the chapel.
12. Guided the Electronics faculty of Mahatma Gandhi University as a member of Board of Studies for Electronics (PG / UG).
13. Participated in the evaluation process of the University students in various capacities.
14. Involved in extension activities to provide training in Electronics related fields in the college and outside campus.
15. Involved in the charity activities of the college and to those who are needy and outside the campus.
16. Imparted and involved in the remedial coaching program of the college for weak students.
17. Involved in interactive online classes/discussions through various social networking medias and online meeting platforms like Zoom/Google Meet/Cisco Webex/VConsol etc.
18. Facilitated the students to get placements after their course at various companies/Industry.
19. Engaged in various activities of IEEE / IETE in the college and outside college as Senior Member of IEEE, USA.
20. Actively involved in committees constituted for NAAC accreditation of B. P. C. College for Cycle-I (2013) and Cycle-II (2019).
21. Successfully completed Minor Research Projects of UGC with publications.
22. Engaged and promoted the new emerging branch of science Cybernetics.
23. Involved in social activities as a Social Entrepreneur.
24. Published articles in the various news-magazines of the college / teachers journals of the state of Kerala.
25. Conducted exhibitions in the college campus.
26. Organized Blood-donation camps in the college campus.
27. Organized Seminars / Workshops / Conferences etc. inside the college campus and outside the college campus ranging from college level, state level, national level and up to International level.
28. Session chaired various National and International Conferences.
29. Technical Chair of International conferences.
30. Editor of National / International Journals.
31. Published books in the regional languages and Internationally.
32. Served as Resource Person in UGC-Academic Staff Colleges of the state of Kerala.
33. Served as the Chief Guest and addressed (including Key-note addresses) at various meetings including YMCA.
34. Engaged as CEO of an Electronics and Telecommunication Marketing Company in India.
35. Engaged as CEO of an Electronics Service Company in India.
36. Worked as Service Engineer for various Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication companies in India.
37. Worked as Consultant Software QA Engineer at Barilla America, Inc. Lincolnshire, IL, USA.
38. Worked as Consultant Software QA Engineer at NetContext Inc., Marlborough, MA, USA.
39. Worked as Consultant Software QA Engineer at Softlock.com Inc., Marlborough, MA, USA.
40. Worked as Consultant Senior QA Engineer at iBelong.com, Inc, Waltham, MA, USA.
41. Worked as Consultant QA Engineer at Performance Technologies, Raleigh, NC, USA.
42. Worked as SAP Functional Consultant (SAP R/3) for Integrated Software Solutions, Inc., Princeton Junction, NJ, USA.
International Conferences/Seminars/Workshops Research Paper Presentations
Reji M. Issac, “Theoretical Study of Biological Communication between Living Beings and Biological Networking of Humans”, International Conference on Biotechnology (INCOB 2008), February 6-8, 2008, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu. SP-14, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3935.9765
Reji M. Issac, “Global Consciousness through Noosphere”, Global Education Meet (International Education Meet – IEM ’06) sponsored by Govt. of India, Govt. of Kerala and Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) at Le Meridian, Kochi, India on 4-7 February 2006.
Reji M. Issac, “Communication and Control through Words and Power”, IEEE International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics (ICCRC 2011), March 21-23, 2011, SRM University, Ghaziabad, New Delhi, India. Citation: “R. M. Issac, “Communication and Control through Words and Power” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics (ICCRC 2011), Vol.2, pp. 414-421, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9709-6, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1176M-PRT, CFP1176M-ART , ©2011 IEEE”
Reji M. Issac, “CW as a new computing technique in Electronic Applications”, Third IEEE International Workshop on Recent Advances in Computing and Communications – 2013 (ICACC-2013), 29-31 August 2013, Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India sponsored by IEEE, pp. 17-22, ISBN: 978-93-83083-25-1, http://acc-rajagiri.org/acc2013/Index.asp , Publisher: Excellent Publishing House, New Delhi
Reji M. Issac, “Effect of Cybernetic Communication in Electronic Circuits”, International Conference on Recent Advances in “Electrical, Electronics and Communication Technology” (ECT – 2016) organized by Krishi Sanskriti Publications at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 7 May 2016, pp. 516-519, p-ISSN: 2350-0077
Reji M Issac, “A Logical Symbol for Cybernetics for a Smarter World”, IEEE TENSYMP 2017 – TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMART CITIES, 14-16 July 2017, Le Meridien, Cochin, Kerala, India (Submitted), At Le Meridien, Cochin, Kerala, India, Paper ID: 1570338941 URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317175680_A_Logical_Symbol_for_Cybernetics_for_a_Smarter_World DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12909.59362
Reji M. Issac, “Cybernetics and human cognition”, International Conference on “Electrical, Electronic Communication, Industrial Engineering and Nano-Technology” (EINT – 2018) organized by Krishi Sanskriti Publications at Convention Center, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 13 January 2018, pp.258-267, p-ISSN: 2349-5804.
Reji M. Issac, “Current Trends of Artificial Intelligence in Intellectual Property Rights”, International Conference on Intellectual Property Rights: Conflict / Co-existence in Human Rights, Health and Indigenous Rights organized by BPC College in association with International Human Rights Council, Mumbai, 17-18 December 2018 at BPC College, Piravom, Published by Bonfring, ISBN: 978-93-87862-45-6, pp.71-74, © 2018
Reji M. Issac, “Engendering English Words using Logical Symbol of Cybernetics and Symbol of Word”, IEEE International technical conference (TENCON 2019) held on 17th to 20th October 2019 at Hotel Grand Hyatt, Lulu Convention Centre, Bolgatty, Kochi, India (Submitted)At: Hotel Grand Hyatt, Lulu Convention Centre, Bolgatty, Kochi, Kerala, India, Paper ID: 108, URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335159229_Engendering_English_Words_using_Logical_Symbol_of_Cybernetics_and_Symbol_of_Word, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35898.34240, April 2019.
Reji M. Issac, “Engendering English Words using Logical Symbol of Cybernetics and Symbol of Word”, UGC Sponsored International Conference on Electronics and Advanced Signal Processing (ICESP2020), organized by Department of Electronics, B. P. C. College, Piravom, Ernakulam, Kerala, India held on 13th to 14th February 2020 at B. P. C. College, Piravom, Ernakulam in technical association with IETE Kochi Centre, ISBN: 978-81-945111-2-0 pp. 1 – 7
Reji M. Issac, “Cybernetic Computing – A Cybernetics Approach to the Computing Technologies”, UGC Sponsored International Conference on Electronics and Advanced Signal Processing (ICESP2020), organized by Department of Electronics, B. P. C. College, Piravom, Ernakulam, Kerala, India held on 13th to 14th February 2020 at B. P. C. College, Piravom, Ernakulam in technical association with IETE Kochi Centre, ISBN: 978-81-945111-2-0 pp. 8 – 12
Reji M. Issac, Sangeetha K. S., Silpa A. S. “Technological Singularity in Artificial Intelligence”, UGC Sponsored International Conference on Electronics and Advanced Signal Processing (ICESP2020), organized by Department of Electronics, B. P. C. College, Piravom, Ernakulam, Kerala, India held on 13th to 14th February 2020 at B. P. C. College, Piravom, Ernakulam in technical association with IETE Kochi Centre, ISBN: 978-81-945111-2-0 pp. 54 – 56
National Conferences/Seminars/Workshops Research Paper Presentations
Reji M. Issac, “Cybernetic Perspectives of Desirable Practices in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation”, UGC Sponsored National Conference on Desirable Practices in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation at BPC College, Piravom, Ernakulam, on June 29-30, 2010, pp. 46-77, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2232.0404
Reji M. Issac, “Communication and Control through Words”, UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Modern Trends in Electronic Communication and Signal Processing (NSMECSP) at BPC College, Piravom, Ernakulam on 3-4 February 2011, pp. 57-67, ISBN: 978-93-80697-73-4.
Reji M. Issac, “Application of Cybernetics in Cyber Criminology”, UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Cyber Criminology (NSCC~2011) at BPC College, Piravom, Ernakulam, March 3-4, 2011, pp. 101-110, ISBN: 978-81-909720-4-8, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4263.6565
Reji M. Issac, “Computation of Molecular Weight of Proteins”, UGC sponsored third National Conference on Modern Trends In Electronic Communication and Signal Processing (NCMES-2013) in association with IETE, 1-2 August 2013, BPC College, Piravom, Ernakulam, Kerala, India, pp. 24-31, ISBN: 978-81-924581-3-7.
Reji M. Issac, “Geometric and Physical Modeling of Natural Intelligence”, UGC sponsored National Conference on Recent Trends in Data Mining (NCRTID~2015) in association with the Institution of Engineers, on 10-11 December 2015, at BPC College, Piravom, Ernakulam, Kerala, India organized by Department of Computer Applications, BPC College, Piravom, pp. 45-51, Bonfring, ISBN: 978-93-85477-430 ,https://www.researchgate.net/publication/294521240_Geometric_and_Physical_Modeling_of_Natural_Intelligence (old), https://www.researchgate.net/publication/303399179_Geometric_and_Physical_Modeling_of_Natural_Intelligence (new), DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4886.2487 (Old) or DOI: 10.9756/BIJMMI.8137 (New)
International Journal Publications
Reji M. Issac, “Communication and Control through Words and Power”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics (ICCRC 2011), March 21-23, 2011, New Delhi, India, Vol.2, pp. 414-421, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9709-6 (Print), IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1176M-PRT (Print), ISBN: 978-1-4244-9711-9 (electronic – CD), IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1176M-ART (electronic – CD),©2011 IEEE.
Reji M. Issac, “Global Consciousness through Noosphere”, Journal of Review of Psychology Frontier (RPF), Hong Kong, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 11-19, www.j-psy.org, ©2012, World Academic Publishing, ISSN: 2303-9310 (Print), ISSN: 2303-9361 (Online).
Reji M. Issac, “Global Consciousness through Noosphere”, Frontiers in Psychological and Behavioral Science (FPBS), Hong Kong, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 11-19, www.academicpub.org/fpbs/paperinfo.aspx?paperID=974 , ©2012, World Academic Publishing, Old ISSN: 2303-9310 (Print), ISSN: 2303-9361 (Online). / New ISSN:2309-012X(Print) ISSN:2309-0138(Online), 26-10-2012
Reji M. Issac, “Communication and Control through Words and Power”, Advanced Materials Research (AMR – Volumes 403-408) MEMS, NANO and Smart Systems, pages 982-993, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.403-408.982, ©2012, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-03785-312-2. ISSN(Web) :1662-8985 ISSN (Print): 1022-6680 ISSN (CD): 1022-6680
Reji M. Issac, “Geometric and Physical Modeling of Natural Intelligence”, Bonfring International Journal of Man Machine Interface Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2016, pp.01-06, Bonfring Online ISSN: 2277-5064 | Print ISSN: 2250-1061 DOI:10.9756/BIJMMI.8137
Reji M. Issac, “Effect of Cybernetic Communication in Electronic Circuits”, Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research (JBAER), Volume 3, Issue 6, April-June 2016, pp. 516-519, Krishi Sanskriti Publications, New Delhi, p-ISSN:2350-0077, e-ISSN:2350-0255, http://www.krishisanskriti.org/ijbad1.php?Id=415
Reji M. Issac, “Cybernetics and human cognition”, Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AREEE), Vol. 4, Issue. 5, 2017, Krishi Sanskriti Publications, New Delhi, October-December 2017, pp.258-267, e-ISSN: 2349-5812, p-ISSN: 2349-8404, http://www.krishisanskriti.org/ijbab.php?Id=598
Reji M. Issac, “Engendering English Words using Logical Symbol of Cybernetics and Symbol of Word”, IEEE International technical conference (TENCON 2019) held on 17th to 20th October 2019 at Hotel Grand Hyatt, Lulu Convention Centre, Bolgatty, Kochi, India (Submitted), DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35898.34240
Reji M. Issac, “Use of Cybernetics in Business Transformation of Data Driven Societies”, ResearchGate, August 2018, URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335227921_Use_of_Cybernetics_in_Business_Transformation_of_Data_Driven_Societies, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17196.82561
10. Reji M. Issac, “Use of Thinking Skills as a Remedy for Psychic Ailments”, The Prescient-Journal of Science and Technology, pp. 32 – 36, Volume 1, Issue 1 2018, http://www.theprescient.in/journals/The%20Prescient-Issue-01.pdf
11. Reji M. Issac. Cybernetic Computing. Journal of Electronic Design Technology. 2020; 11(1): 7–13p., ISSN: 2321- 4228, eISSN: 2229-6980, DOI: 10.37591/joedt.v11i1.3878, http://engineeringjournals.stmjournals.in/index.php/JoEDT/article/view/3878
12. Reji M. Issac. Genesis of English Language with its Cybernetics Origin. Current Trends in Signal Processing. 2020; 10(1): 19–28p., ISSN: 2321- 4252, eISSN: 2277–6176, DOI: 10.37591/ctsp.v10i1.3962, http://engineeringjournals.stmjournals.in/index.php/CTSP/article/view/3962
Dataset publications
Reji M. Issac, “Symbol of Word”, IEEE Dataport, 2017. [Online]. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.21227/H2FW23. Accessed: Mar. 07, 2017.
Issac, Reji M (2017): Symbol of Word. figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.4785520.v1 Retrieved: 09:17, Oct 20, 2017 (GMT)
Books Authored
Reji M. Issac, “Daivom Nammodu Koode”, Self Published, ©2011, ISBN: 978-93-5067-110-8.
Reji M. Issac, “Development of an indigenous brainwave machine ”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, ©2013, ISBN: 978-3-659-38694-7.
Certificate on Entrepreneurial Development Training Programme(DST, Govt. of India)
Successfully completed 45 days intensive training on “Entrepreneurial Development Programme” sponsored by Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, conducted by Asian Institute of Development and Entrepreneurship (Reg. No.ER/365/1982), Kochi, under the leadership of Prof. M. V. Paily.
Ethically Aligned Design (IEEE) RFI Feedback response before Candidate Recommendation (CR)
1. The IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems (“The IEEE Global Initiative”) titled, Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Wellbeing with Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems, has received the following input from Prof. Reji M. Issac before publishing the CR as published in the following link: https://standards.ieee.org/content/dam/ieee-standards/standards/web/documents/other/rfi_responses_document.pdf
State level workshops responsibilities
Coordinator of the workshop on “Embedded Systems with AVR Microcontrollers” conducted during the period from 26-12-2016 to 31-12-2016 at B.P.C. College, Piravom, organized by Department of Electronicsa, BPC College, Piravom, Ernakulam, Kerala, India, in association with Integral Medical Instrumentation, Kalamassery, Ernakulam.
Organizing committee member of two-day workshop on “Methodology and Perspectives of Sciences” on 7th & 8th October, 2010, jointly organized by BPC College, Devamatha College and MES College, under the sponsorship of KSHEC.
Organizing committee member of three-day Training Programme for college teachers on “General Informatics” during 1 – 3 December, 2010, organized by Department of Electronics, BPC College, Piravom, under the sponsorship of KSHEC.
National Conferences Responsibilities
Session-chaired UGC sponsored National Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (NCICT~2014) 4th and 5th March 2014 at Department of Computer Applications, BPC College, Piravom, Ernakulam, Kerala, India
Organizing committee member of UGC sponsored National Seminar on Modern Trends in Electronic Communication and Signal Processing during 3 – 4 February, 2011, at BPC College, Piravom, in association with IETE, Kochi Chapter.
Organizing committee member of UGC sponsored third National Conference on Modern Trends in Electronic Communication and Signal Processing (NCMES-2013) during 1 – 2 August, 2013 at BPC College, Piravom, in association with IETE, Kochi Chapter.
International Conferences Responsibilities
Technical Chair of the 2012 International Conference on Nanomaterials and Electronics Engineering (ICNEE 2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during 24-26 July 2012, www.icnee.org.
Program committee member of 2013 2nd International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Chengdu, China (ICIKM 2013) July 20-21, 2013 sponsored by IACSIT (www.icikm.org/com.htm)
Technical committee member of the 2013 5th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology, Chengdu, China (ICMET 2013) July 20-21, 2013 (www.icmet.ac.cn/com.htm)
Technical committee member of 2013 2nd International Conference on Smart Grid Systems, Chengdu, China (ICSGS 2013) July 20-21, 2013, (www.icsgs.org/com.htm)
Technical committee member of 2013 International Conference on Information Services and Teaching Process (ISTP 2013), Xi’an, Shaanxi, China October 11-12, 2013.(www.istp-conf.org)
Program Committee member of 2013 5th International academic conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering September 22, 2013, Hyderabad, India (www.iaceece2013.org/hyderabad/)
Program Committee member of 2013 The 2nd CSME International Conference on Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering, September 29, 2013, Pune, India (http://journalalert.net/Conference/pune/CSME_01/programme.php)
International Editorial Committee member of International Workshop on Grid, Parallel and Distributed Computing 2013 second (GPDC 2013) at Jeju National University International Center, Jeju Island, Korea on December 11-13, 2013. (http://www.interworkshop.org/GPDC2013SE/)
Program committee member of International conference on Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical and Computer Engineering (ICEEMCE) 6th July 2014 at Cochin (Ernakulam), India (http://www.ieeeconference.com/2014/Cochin/ICEEMCE/programme.php)
Program committee member of International conference on Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical and Computer Engineering (ICEEMCE) 8th Decermber 2013 at Coimbatore, Tamilanadu, India (http://www.ieeeconference.com/2014/Cochin/ICEEMCE/programme.php)
Program committee member of International conference on Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical and Computer Engineering (ICEEMCE) 9th August 2015 at Hotel Presidency, Ayyappankavu, Ernakulam, India (http://www.ieeeconference.com/2015/Cochin/ICEEMCE2/programme.php)
Session Chair of Two-Day National Conference on Information and Communication Technologies sponsored by UGC during March 4-5, 2014 organized by the Department of Computer Applications, B.P.C. College, Piravom, Ernakulam, India
Technical Committee Member of 2016 International Conference on Robotics and Machine Vision (ICRMV 2016), held on September 14-16, 2016 in Moscow, Russia.( BEST WESTERN Vega Hotel & Convention Center, 71, bld.3V Izmailovskoe Ave., Moscow) http://www.icrmv.org/
Session Chair of Two-Day International Conference on Intellectual Property Rights: Conflict / Co-existence in Human Rights, Health and Indigenous Rights organized by BPC College in association with International Human Rights Council, Mumbai, 17-18 December 2018 at BPC College, Piravom.
Publication Chair of UGC Sponsored International Conference on Electronics and Advanced Signal Processing (ICESP2020), organized by Department of Electronics, B. P. C. College, Piravom, Ernakulam, Kerala, India held on 13th to 14th February 2020 at B. P. C. College, Piravom, Ernakulam in technical association with IETE Kochi Centre
Invited Lectures/Seminars
Reji M. Issac served as the resource person for “Technology and Human Rights” in the UGC Refresher Course in Human Rights for College Teachers at the Academic Staff College, University of Calicut, Calicut during 14th September 2010 to 4th October 2010.
Reji M. Issac served as the Chief Guest and addressed (including Key-note addresses) at various meetings including YMCA
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops etc. attended
UGC sponsored national conference on Fuzzy Logic and its applications to computer science and Annual conference of Kerala Mathematical Association held during February 20-22, 2014 organized by Department of Mathematics, B. P. C. College, Piravom, Ernakulam, Kerala, India
UGC sponsored third National Conference on Modern Trends In Electronic Communication and Signal Processing (NCMES-2013) in association with IETE, 1-2 August 2013, BPC College, Piravom, Ernakulam, Kerala, India
Attended and published paper in the UGC sponsored National Conference on “Recent Trends in Data Mining” held on December 10th and 11th, 2015 at B.P.C. College, Piravom, organized by Department of Computer Applications, B.P.C. College, Piravom in association with Institution of Engineers (India), Kochi.
Participated and published a paper in the International Conference on “Recent advances in Electrical, Electronics and Communication Technology” (ECT – 2016) on 7th May 2016, held at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Organized by Krishi Sanskriti Publications.
Participated and published a paper in the International Workshop on Recent Advances in Computing and Communications held at Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India during 29 – 31, 2013, in association with IEEE, Kerala section.
Successfully completed a short term course in “Embedded system Design using AVR Microcontrollers” conducted during the period from 1st November 2012 to 10th November 2012, held at B.P.C. College, Piravom, organized by Integral Medical Instrumentation, Kalamassery.
Participated and published a paper in the “Third National Conference on Modern Trends in Electronic Communication and Signal Processing” (NCMES – 2013) held during 1 – 2 August, 2013, organized by Department of Electronics, B.P.C. College, Piravom, sponsored by UGC, New Delhi, in technical collaboration with “The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers” – IETE.
Participated and submitted a paper at the Region 10 IEEE International Conference (IEEE TENSYMP 2017) on Technologies for Smart Cities held at Le Meridien held during 14 – 16 July, 2017, organized by IEEE Kerala Section.
One-day seminar on “Science Research: Opportunities, Challenges and Tools” on 24 June 2013 at BPC College, Piravom, organized by Department of Electronics, BPC College, Piravom, Ernakulam, Kerala, India
Two-day workshop on “Digital Signal Processing and Embedded Systems” during 17-18 June 2013 at BPC College, Piravom, organized by Department of Electronics, BPC College, Piravom, Ernakulam, Kerala, India
One-day state level seminar on International Year of Light on 28 January 2016 at BPC College, Piravom organized by Department of Electronics, BPC College in association with Academy of Physics Teachers and SPIE, CUSAT.
Three-day state level workshop on “Raspberry Pi and Python Programming” during 1- 3 March 2016 at BPC College, Piravom organized by Department of Electronics, BPC College, Piravom.
Two-day state level workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) during 25 – 26 August 2016 at Official Event Centre, BPC College, Piravom organized by Indian Tech Group, Mumbai, India.
Technical Talk on Current Trends in Machine Learning held at CSI Hall, Kaloor, Cochin on 27th July 2017 organized by Computer Society of India, Cochin Chapter in association with IEEE Kochi Subsection.
Participated in the One-day Seminar on Industrial Property on 25th January 2007 organized by EU-India Trade and Investment Development Programme, New Delhi, in association with Centre for IPR Studies, School of Legal Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin.
Attended One-day Workshop on “Computer Hardware and Assembling” conducted by the Department of Electronics, BPC College, Piravom on 2nd August 2003.
Successfully completed Short-term course on “Computer Hardware, Troubleshooting, and Networking” conducted by the Department of Electronics, BPC College, Piravom from 28th November 2006 to 1st December, 2006.
Participated in the three-day National Seminar on “Organizational Development through Commitment of Faculty” organized by Asian Christian Higher Education Institute, Hong Kong – Asian Christian Faculty Fellowship, India Chapter & Christ College, Bangalore, held at Christ College, Bangalore, India, from May 8 – 10, 2006
Participated in the UGC Sponsored National Conference on Desirable Practices in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation at BPC College, Piravom, Ernakulam, on June 29-30, 2010
Attended and published paper in the UGC sponsored National Conference on “Cyber Criminology” held on March 3rd and 4th, 2011 at B.P.C. College, Piravom, organized by Department of Computer Applications, B.P.C. College, Piravom in association with Computer Society of India (CSI), Cochin Chapter.
Attended and published a paper in the IEEE International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics (ICCRC 2011), March 21-23, 2011, SRM University, Ghaziabad, New Delhi, India.
Attended Two-day state level workshop on “Methodology and Perspective of Sciences” on 7th and 8th October , 2010 at BPC College, Piravom jointly organized by BPC College, Devamatha College and MES College, under the sponsorship of KSHEC.
Participated two-day workshop on “Methodology and Perspectives of Sciences” on 7th & 8th October, 2010, jointly organized by BPC College, Devamatha College and MES College, under the sponsorship of KSHEC.
Participated three-day Training Programme for college teachers on “General Informatics” during 1 – 3 December, 2010, organized by Department of Electronics, BPC College, Piravom, under the sponsorship of KSHEC.
Participated in the One-day seminar on “Wireless Communication and Networking” organized by IEEE Communications Society, Kerala Chapter on 26th November, 2011 at Hotel Park Central, Kochi.
Attended Two-day state level Workshop on “Design with Verilog” held on 12th and 13th August, 2010, conducted by the Department of Electronics, BPC College, Piravom
Participated in the IEEE mini Panel of Conference Organizers (mini POCO 2018) workshop funded by IEEE Region 10 and organized jointly by IEEE India council, IEEE Kerala Section and IEEE Malabar Sub Section on 10th November 2018 at NIT Calicut.
Participated and published a paper in the two-Day International Conference on Intellectual Property Rights: Conflict / Co-existence in Human Rights, Health and Indigenous Rights organized by BPC College in association with International Human Rights Council, Mumbai, 17-18 December 2018 at BPC College, Piravom.
Participated in the two-Day IEEE WIE International Leadership Summit 2019 (IEEE WIE ILS 2019) organized by IEEE Bangalore section and sponsored by Google, CISCO, Hewlett-Packard, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and Boeing, held at Hotel Sterlings MAC, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, during 30th to 31st August 2019, URL: https://wie-ils2019.ieeebangalore.org/
Participated and submitted a paper in the IEEE International technical conference (TENCON 2019) held on 17th to 20th October 2019 at Hotel Grand Hyatt, Lulu Convention Centre, Bolgatty, Kochi, India, at Hotel Grand Hyatt, Lulu Convention Centre, Bolgatty, Kochi, Kerala, India
31. Participated in the two-day international conference on “Visuality and Subaltern Self-fashioning: Towards an Alternate History” organized by department of English with Journalism, BPC College, Piravom in association with the Kerala Council for Historical Research (KCHR) on 18th and 19th February 2020 at B. P. C. College, Piravom.
32. Attended Tutorial Session on “Deep Learning with MATLAB” conducted as part of IEEE TENCON 2019 (IEEE International Conference of Region-10 (Asia-Pacific)) organized by IEEE Kerala Section along with IEEE India Council during 17 – 20 October 2019 at Hotel Grand Hyatt, Bolgatty, Kochi, Kerala, India.
33. Attended Tutorial Session on “When IoT Meets Machine Learning” conducted as part of IEEE TENCON 2019 (IEEE International Conference of Region-10 (Asia-Pacific)) organized by IEEE Kerala Section along with IEEE India Council during 17 – 20 October 2019 at Hotel Grand Hyatt, Bolgatty, Kochi, Kerala, India.
34. Attended “Special Industrial Track (SIT) Program “conducted as part of IEEE TENCON 2019 (IEEE International Conference of Region-10 (Asia-Pacific)) organized by IEEE Kerala Section along with IEEE India Council on 19th October 2019 at Hotel Grand Hyatt, Bolgatty, Kochi, Kerala, India.
35. Participated in the Three Day International Conference IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) 2020 during 5th to 7th June 2020, at Dhaka, Bangladesh, organized by IEEE Bangladesh Section along with IEEE Region 10, http://tensymp2020.com/
36. Successfully participated in the One-day International IEEE POCO (Panel Of Conference Organizers) Workshop on 31st October, 2020, organized by IEEE India Council and IEEE Bangalore section.
Webinar Participations
1. Attended a Webinar on “A First Lecture on Fuzzy Logic and its application” on 25th May 2020, hosted by Department of Electronics and Computer Maintenance, Union Christian College, Aluva in association with Department of Electronics, B. P. C. College, Piravom.
2. Attended a Webinar on “Juggling of dual degrees” on 27th May 2020, hosted by Department of Electronics and Computer Maintenance, Union Christian College, Aluva in association with Department of Electronics, Jai Bharath Arts and Science College, Perumbavoor.
3. Attended a Webinar on “How Stress affects the Body?” on 26th May 2020, hosted by Department of Physical Education, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai.
4. Attended a Webinar on “Robotic Process Automation” on 11th June 2020, hosted by Department of Electronics and Computer Maintenance, Union Christian College, Aluva in association with ICT Academy of Kerala.
5. Attended a Webinar on “Modern Avionics Systems in Aircrafts” on 29th May 2020, conducted jointly by IEEE MTT-S and APS Student branch, Government Engineering College, Barton Hill, Thiruvananthapuram.
6. Participated in the Citizen Familiarization Programme as part of World Space Week 2020 organized by Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala on 7th October 2020.
7. Attended a Webinar on “Insights of G-Suite” by Google Inc., organized by IEEE Bombay Section and IEEE India Council on 10th October 2020.
8. Participated in a Webinar on “How to write High Impact Research Papers” by Prof. Sabu Thomas, Vice-chancellor, M. G. University, Kottayam on 17th September 2020, organized by IQAC, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.
9. Attended a national webinar on “Prospects and Hurdles of Social Entrepreneurship” on 18th November 2020 organized by Department of Business Administration, MES College, Marampally.
Orientation / Refresher courses / Faculty Development Programmes attended
Successfully completed UGC sponsored Orientation Programme (IT Oriented) conducted at Academic Staff College, University of Kerala, from 27th December, 2005 to 23rd January, 2006, with ‘A’ grade.
Successfully completed UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Computer Science conducted at Academic Staff College, University of Kerala, from 7th July, 2006 to 28th July, 2006, with ‘A’ grade.
Successfully completed UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Human Rights (Inter disciplinary) conducted at Academic Staff College, University of Calicut, from 14th September, 2010 to 4th October, 2010, with ‘A’ grade.
Successfully completed UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Bioinformatics (Interdisciplinary) conducted at Academic Staff College, University of Kerala, from 27th December, 2010 to 17th January, 2011, with ‘A’ grade.
Achievements & Awards
Invention (s)
Inventor of “The Word”
Research and Development
1. Introduction of Biological Networking of Humans and Social Networking with empowerment after obtaining Key of Sixth Sense.
2. Techniques for activating the human organism by remote Cybernetic means.
3. Development of a Cybernetic Brain-wave Machine.
Scholarship (s)
UGC-CSIR JRF (Junior Research Fellowship) and NET
Any Other # (Membership in Professional Organizations, Reviewer for Journals etc.)
Membership in Professional Bodies
Senior Member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.) USA
Senior Member of IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, USA
Senior Member of International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT), Singapore
Member of HeartMath Institute, California, USA
Senior Member of IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, USA.
Senior Member of IEEE Biometrics Council.
Senior Member of IEEE Nanotechnology Council.
Senior Member of IEEE Cloud Computing Community.
Senior Member of IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Community.
Senior Member of IEEE EMBS Technical Committee on Biomedical and Health Informatics.
Senior Member of IEEE EMBS Technical Committee on Bio Robotics.
Senior Member of IEEE Brain Community.
Senior Member of IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics.
Journal Editorial Board Membership
Editorial Board member of Asia-pacific Journal of Nanobot and Biosensors for Medical Diagnosis and Treatment (AJNBM), GV School Publication, https://gvpress.com/journals/AJNBM/ PO Box 5009, Sandy Bay TAS 7005, Australia, ISSN: 2206-4524
Editor of the Journal, “The Prescient – Journal of Science and Technology”, published by BPC College, Piravom, Ernakulam, Kerala, India, http://www.theprescient.in.
Editorial Team member of Journal of Psychology & Behavior Research (JPBR), SCHOLINK Inc., 445 S. Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90071, United States of America, ISSN 2640-9895 (Print) ISSN 2640-9909 (Online)
Conference Proceedings editorial Board Membership
Associate Editor of Proceedings of UGC sponsored third national conference on “Modern Trends in Electronic Communication and Signal Processing” (NCMES-2013), during 1-2 August, 2013 at BPC College, Piravom, in association with IETE, Kochi., ISBN: 978-81-924581-3-7
Publication Chair of UGC Sponsored International Conference on Electronics and Advanced Signal Processing (ICESP2020), organized by Department of Electronics, B. P. C. College, Piravom, Ernakulam, Kerala, India held on 13th to 14th February 2020 at B. P. C. College, Piravom, Ernakulam in technical association with IETE Kochi Centre
Completed Research Projects
Reji M. Issac, “Development of an indigenous Brain-Wave Machine”, ©2010, Issue: UGC-MRP-1, UGC Letter No. MRP(S)-445/08-09/KLMG066/UGC-SWRO dated 30th March 2009.
Industrial Experience
DOE, CUSAT, Cochin, India 1994 – 1995
Worked as Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) project, under the guidance of Prof. (Dr.) C. S. Sridhar. Topic of Research was Development of Smart Tactile Sensors. Job responsibilities included the following:
Study, analyze and simulate the tactile sensor models using AutoCAD
Work aimed at developing a smart tactile sensor having wide applications in areas such as remote sensing, Robotics etc.
Conducted research studies of similar research works conducted all over the world.
Used libraries and other resources like internet to get updated information about the topic.
DOE, CUSAT, Cochin, India 1997 – 1999
Did Part-time Ph. D. as a Research Scholar with Registration number 1942 as per Cochin University of Science and Technology order number:Ac.B2/6183/98 dated 12-02-1999, at the Department of Electronics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin – 22, in the field of Speech Processing under the guidance of Dr. Tessamma Thomas. The work included:
Development of an aid to the speech impaired people
Development of unconventional mathematical models to simulate the impaired as well as the normal speeches, which are unaffected by the variations that may occur from person to person for particular defects (soft palate – velum)
Study of LPC (Linear Predictive Coding) approach which could approximate vowel sounds in English, but failed with consonants.
Studied how to extend this with Malayalam language.
Tried to extend the output for the development of a language translator (Malayalam-English and vice-versa).
Visited different speech and hearing institutes outside Kerala for getting latest information.
ISS India Pvt. Ltd., Cochin, India 1998 – 1999
Attended intensive part-time training in SAP R/3 which mainly focused on ABAP/4 programming and Oracle 7.3 database programming. Training included the following:
In depth training of ABAP/4 programming
In depth training of Oracle 7.3
Report writing in SAP R/3
Exposure to various modules of SAP R/3
Programming in RFC/RPC environment
Integrated Software Solutions Inc., Princeton Junction, NJ, USA 1999 – 2003
Worked as consultant of SAP R/3 and as a QA Engineer at different client locations in the United States of America. Work included coding in SAP R/3 using ABAP/4. QA Work included manual and automated testing of various application programs written using various programming tools like VB, ASP, VC++, Java etc. Very good experience in testing client-server and web-based applications. Training and real time experience is inclusive of SILK and Win Runner. Experience and job responsibilities included the following:
SAP R/3 ABAP/4 Programming
Report writing in SAP R/3
Manual and automated testing of various internet based applications
Manual and automated testing of E-commerce based applications
Manual and automated testing of portal applications
Manual and automated testing of financial applications
Performed database testing
Performed Integration testing
Conducted migration testing
Performed system testing
Conducted black-box testing of web and non-web applications
Prepared test plans and test cases for different applications
Wrote test scripts in 4Test and C++ languages using SILK
Manual and automated testing of digital content writing applications
Manual and automated testing of finding context text matching applications
Conducted different testing procedures like GUI testing, functionality testing, security testing, regression testing etc.
Manual and automated testing of stock market applications using SILK
Actively participated in enhancement meetings focused on making the applications more intuitive and comprehensive
Investigated software bugs and interacted with developers to resolve technical issues.
Involved in the teaching process of testing procedures for the co-workers.
Environment: SAP R/3, Windows, Java, VB, ASP, VC++, SQL Server, Oracle, SILK, Win Runner
BRB Electronics and Communications, Cochin, Ernakulam, India 1993- 1994
Worked as Chief Executive of an Electronics and Telecommunication Marketing company located at the heart of Cochin city at Ernakulam. The company was involved in sales / marketing / distribution of various electronic components / devices, telecommunications equipments, Electronic lab equipments, Computer sales / rentals etc. to the public / Educational / Training Institutes / Industries in the state of Kerala in India.
BRB Electronic Services, Cochin, Ernakulam, India 1993- 1994
Worked as Chief Executive of an Electronics / Computer Services company at the heart of Cochin City at Ernakulam. The company was engaged in the servicing / maintenance / repair / production of the products supplied by BRB Electronics and Communications, under and after warranty / guaranty, and other general electronics / computer servicing, maintenance and repair throughout Kerala state in India.
Sebastian’s Brokers, Cochin Stock Exchange Ltd., Cochin, Ernakulam, India 1991- 1993
Worked as Sub-broker under Sebastian’s of Cochin Stock Exchange Ltd., who were Brokers of Cochin Stock Exchange Ltd., where the job responsibilities included issuing forms and canvassing clients for Primary Issues (Initial Public Offering – IPO) of different companies for their attempt to raise capital from public investors through public share issuance, in a new stock issuance and collecting payments from clients on behalf of the Broker on a commission basis. The work also included to transact paper stock certificates for sale or purchase in the Cochin Stock Exchange Ltd. for the stock share prices agreed by the client. Remuneration for the services will based on the commission rates agreed by the parties involved in the transaction. Sub-brokers also can purchase or sell stock shares on their own behalf to gain profits or facing losses.
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2842-971X
Current Responsibilities:
Post Held:
Jacob Abraham and Thomaskutty Mathew, “Proximity fed gap coupled array antenna with DGS backed with metallic strips”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 12, No.16 pp. 5676-5680, 2017, ISSN 0973-4562
Jacob Abraham and Thomaskutty Mathew, “Novel single layer proximity fed gap coupled microstrip patch array for WLAN/Wi-MAX applications in portable devices”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol.11, pp. 10446 – 10453, 2016, ISSN 1819-6608.
Jacob Abraham, Thomaskutty Mathew and C. K Aanandan, “A novel proximity fed gap coupled microstrip patch array for wireless applications”, Progress in Electromagnetic Research C, Vol. 61, pp. 171-178, 2016, ISSN: 1937-8718
Jacob Abraham and Thomaskutty Mathew, “Dual band David fractal microstrip patch antenna for GSM and Wi-Max applications”, Wireless Engineering and Technology, Vol.6, pp. 33-40, 2015, ISSN 2152-2294
Jacob Abraham,“Analyzing the Influential Parameters of Planar Inverted F Antenna for Mobile Handset”, Wireless Communication, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 244-247, 2012, ISSN 0974 – 9756
Current Responsibilities
Member, Board of Studies, MG University, Kottayam
Coordinator, IQAC
Convener, Anti-narcotics Cell
President, Electronics Association 2018-19
Class in-charge, Final Year B.Sc Electronics
Positions held
Program Officer, NSS, 2005 – 2007, BPC College, Kerala.
Course Coordinator, M. Sc Electronics, BPC College, Kerala.
Web Administrator, College Web Site.
Placement Officer, 2009 – 2012, (Recorded 111 placements (Infosys: 61, Infosys BPO: 23, Wipro: 27) in the year 2011-12), BPC College, Kerala.
Executive Secretary, SHADOWS (Alumni Association) 2013-16
Coordinator, SSP ( Student Support Program), 2014-16
Paper Publications
Jobin Abraham, Dr.Varghese Paul, A Dual Domain Digital Image Watermarking Scheme, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation & Control Technologies (ICICICT-2017), Kannur, Kerala, 6-7 July 2017, ISBN: 978-1-5090-6102-0
Jobin Abraham, Dr.Varghese Paul, An Imperceptible Spatial Domain Color Image Watermarking Scheme, Journal ofKing Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences,Elsevier, [In Press], (2017), DOI: 10.1016/j.jksuci.2016.12.004
Jobin Abraham, Dr.Varghese Paul, Invisible Image Watermarking on Selected Regions using DWT, International Journal of Advanced Science And Technology, Vol.98, DOI: 10.14257/ijast.2017.98.04, ISSN: 2005-4238, 2017
Jobin Abraham, Dr.Varghese Paul, A DCT based Imperceptible Color Image Watermarking Scheme, International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, pp 137-146, Vol.9 (7), 2016, DOI: 10.14257/ijsip.2016.9.7.13, ISSN 2005-4254
Jobin Abraham, Dr.Varghese Paul, A Blind Watermarking Method for Fingerprinting Digital Images, International Conference on Data Mining and Advanced Computing, organized by IEEE and SNGCE, Kochi, 16-18 March 2016, ISBN 978-1-4673-8592-3
Jobin Abraham, Dr.Varghese Paul, A Blind Watermarking Scheme for Tamper Detection in Digital Images, ICTACT Journal of Image and Video Processing, Vol.6(2), 2015, ISSN 0976-9102
Jobin Abraham, Dr.Varghese Paul, Digital Image Watermarking: A Study on Techniques & Issues, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol.6(12), 2015, ISSN 2229-5518
Jobin Abraham, Dr.Varghese Paul, Image Watermarking using DCT in Selected Pixel Regions, International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication & Computational Technologies, Organized by IEEE and NIU, Kumaracoil, Tamil Nadu, 10-11 July 2014
Jobin Abraham, Dr.Varghese Paul, Image Watermarking using Bit-planes from Grayscale Watermark, International Conference on Information Science, Organized by GCE and Comuter Society of India, Kochi, July 2014,pp.76-79, ISBN 978-93-83459-57-5
Jobin Abraham, Dr.Varghese Paul, A Multi-purpose Dual Watermarking Scheme, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol.77, No.8, 2013, DOI: 10.5120/13411-1066, ISSN 0975-8887
Jobin Abraham, Dr.Varghese Paul, A Method for Tamper proofing Images using DCT watermarking, International Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol.4, July 2013
Jobin Abraham, Dr.Varghese Paul, Imperceptible Image Indexing Using Digital Watermarking, International Conference on Security in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, Organized by Springer and IITM-K, Trivandrum, October 11-12, 2012
Jobin Abraham, Dr.Varghese Paul, Watermarking Grayscale Images using Text for Copyright Protection, International Journal of Computer Applications,Vol.31, No.9, Oct.2011, DOI: 10.5120/3851-5358, ISSN0975-8887
Contribution as Convener/Resource Persons
Convener for Kerala State Higher Education Council sponsored Two-day State Level Workshop on Methodology & Perspectives of Science, 7-8 Oct 2010, BPC College, Kerala.
Convener for Second National Conference on Modern Electronics Communication and Signal Processing, August 2012.
Resource Person:
Web Technologies, Kerala State Higher Education Council sponsored Three-day Workshop on ‘General Informatics’, 1-3 Dec 2010, BPC College.
Digital Watermarking, Research Cell, BPC College, Piravom
Seven-day NSS Camp, December 2009, BPC College, Kerala
Three-day NSS Camp, August 2010, BPC College, Kerala.
Value Education, BPC College, Kerala.
Seminars/Conferences Attended
International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication & Computational Technologies, Organized by NIU and IEEE, Kumaracoil, Tamil Nadu, 10-11 July 2014.
International Conference on Information Science, Organized by GCE and CSI, Le Meridian, Kochin, July 2014
International Conference on Security in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SNDS 2012), Organized by II TM-K and Springer, Trivandrum, October 11-12, 2012.
Attended IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation & Control Technologies (ICICICT-2017), Kannur, Kerala, 6-7 July 2017.
Any Other
IETE, Life Member
Research Projects Completed
Mr. Baby Paul was the Principal Investigator of the Minor Research Project titled “Portable ECG Monitor with Computer Interface” (2007) funded by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi.
Baby Paul
1. Baby Paul , Shanavaz K.T., MYthily P. (October 2015, A New Optimized Wavelet Tranform for Heart Beat Classification, International Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology-World Scientific Publishing Company Volume 15, Issue 05.
2. Baby Paul, Mythili P. (2012). ECG noice removal using GA turned sign-data least mean Square algorithm. Proc. Annual International IEEE Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies (ICACCCT) (pp. 978-1-4673-2045-0,pp. 100-103.). IEEE explore.
3. Baby Paul, Shanavaz K.T., Mythili P. (August 2012). Towards the development of a new Wavellet for ECG classification. Pro. Annaul Internation IEEE Conference on Power. Signals, Controls and Computation (pp.978-1-4673-0446-7,pp.1-5), IEEE explore.
4. Hongkong paper to be retained here.
5. Baby Paul, Dr. Raju K. John, “Service Learning experiences in a Dalit community,” presented at the 1st Asia Pacific Regional conference on Service Learning organized by the Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong, SAR, 30th May to 2nd June 2007.
6. Baby Paul, K.T. Shanavaz, P. Mythili, “Towards the development of a new wavelet for ECG classification,” presented at the IEEE sponsored International conference on Power, Signals, Control & Computation (EPSCICON 2012), Thrissur, Kerala, India, January 03th to 06th 2012.
Baselios Poulose II Catholicose College, Baselios Mount, Piravom, 686 664, Ernakulam Dist, Kerala