Details of responsibilities or duties shouldered during 2017-18.
1. Associate Editor of the journal ” The Prescient- Journal of Science and Technology” – a publication of Baselios Poulose II Catholicos College
2. Member of NAAC committee
3. College council member
4. Member of VINGS(Career Guidance and placement cell)
5. Member of Tutorial cell
Areas of Interest : Queueing Theory, Time series modelling
Awarded Ph.D in Statistics from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam for the thesis entitled “Modelling and Analysis of Queueing systems with Discrete Autoregressive Arrivals and Counting Processes” in 2013.
Qualified to the final round of Best Woman Doctoral Fellow Award contest conducted by Synergians as part of Women’s Day 2014 at Ernakulam on March 8, 2014.
Positions Held:
1. Reviewer of the International Journal “International Transactions in Operational Research”. John Wiley & Sons
2. Member of Kerala Statistical Association
3. Reviewer of the International Journal “Computers and Operations Research”4. Question Paper setter for B.Sc Mathematics and BBA/BBM affiliated to Calicut Univeristy
Seminars/Conferences Organized :
1. Convener for the UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Fuzzy Logic and its Applications to Computer Science” held during February 20-22, 2014.
Completed Minor Research Projects :
1. Ms. Bindu Abraham completed the Minor Research Project titled “Extreme Value Theory for Queues with Applications in Statistical Quality Control and Time Series Modelling” (2005) funded by UGC.
Project Summary :
In many queuing applications, a performance characteristic of great importance and interest is the traffic intensity parameter , the ratio of mean arrival rate to mean service rate. In this project a presentation of methods to detect changes in the traffic intensity in M/Ek/1 queue making use of embedded Markov chain analysis and through CUSUM procedure. Methods to detect the magnitude of shift in traffic intensity parameter are discussed. The ARL function is provided. A numerical illustration for the M/M/1 case with the values of the V-mask and ARL are provided. The areas of extreme value theory for queues and time series modeling to statistical quality control problems for designing the optimal analysis of queues is reviewed also in this project.
2. . Bindu Abraham is the Principal Investigator of the Minor Research Project titled “Impact of climate change on epidemics- Analysis by using Gumbel count model” (2013) funded by UGC.
Books Edited :
1. Commemorative Volume of Dr. Sunny Kuriakose
Publications :
1. Jose K. K & Bindu Abraham, ‘Analysis of DAR(1)D/s Queue with Quasi-Negative Binomial-II as Marginal Distribution’,Applied Mathematics, 2011,2,1159-1169.
2. Bindu Abraham & Jose K. K, ‘A count model based on Mittag Leffler inter arrival Times’, Statistica, vol. 4, 2011
3. Jeeva Jose & Bindu Abraham, ‘Inference model for computer literacy and usage pattern among rural population of Piravom Grama Panchayat,Ernakulam District, Kerala, India’, Journal of Social Science 24(3):149-154(2010).
4. Bindu Abraham & Jose K. K, ‘Analysis of Multiserver queues with negative customers’, Proceedings of the UGC sponsored National seminar on Discrete Mathematics & Computational Statistics23rd and 24th June 2011, 54-66.
5. Jose K. K. and Bindu Abraham (2012). The analysis of discrete time queueing system with discrete autoregressive arrivals- a review, Research and Reviews, Journal of Statistics, 1(1), 34-65.
6. Bindu Abraham and Jose K. K. (2012). Queueing Models for ATM Network subjected to the Effects of Viruses, Armored networks: critical cybernetic defense technologies ISBN:978-93-82062-25-7, 21-39.
7. Jose, K.K. and Bindu Abraham , A counting process with Gumbel Inter-arrival times with applications in modeling climate data, Journal of Environmental Statistics February, Volume 4, Issue 5, ( 2013).
8. Bindu Abraham and Jose, K.K., DAR(1)/D/s queue with Discrete Mittag-Leffler as marginal distribution, Statistica (in press).
Papers Presented :
1. Bindu Abraham, ‘Shrinkage estimation for the traffic intensity parameter’ in the XXIV Annual Conference of Indian Society for probability and Statistics (ISPS) on Recent Advances in Statistical theory and applications organized by Department of Statistics, Arunapuram, Pala. during 4-6 Nvember 2004.
2. Bindu Abraham ‘Analysis of DAR(1)/D/s queue with discrete Mittag-Leffler[DML] as Marginal distribution of the input traffic’ , Annual Conference of the Kerala Statistical Association conducted by the postgraduate and Research Department of Statistics during 25-27 February 2010 held at Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha.
3. Bindu Abraham, ‘Discrete Skew Laplace[DSL(p,q)]/D/s Queue with Input Traffic as DAR(1), National Conference on Recent Advances in Statistics and Computer Applications, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Bharatiar University, Coimbatore 21-23, 2010.
4. Bindu Abraham, ‘Analysis of DAR(1)/D/s Queue with Quasi Negative Binomial Distribution as marginal’, International Conference on Statistics and Information Analytics, Loyola College, Chennai, August 25-27, 2011.
5. Bindu Abraham,’ Analysis of Multiserver queues with negative Customers’, UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Discrete Mathematics and Computational Statistics, B. K. College, Amalagiri, Kottayam, June 23-24, 2011.
6. Bindu Abraham, ‘Analysis of M/D/s Queue with Input Traffic as DAR(1)’, International Conference on Mathematical Sciences in Honour of Professor A. M. Mathai, January, 3-5, 2011.
7. Bindu Abraham, ‘A Count Model Based on Mittag-Leffler Inter- arrival Times Accomodation’, International Conference on Actuarial Statistics, Bio Statistics and Stochastic Modeling, January 10-14, 2011.
8. Bindu Abraham, ‘Queueing models for ATM network subjected to the effects of viruses’ in the International workshop on Cyber Security(IWCS 2k11) held during 6-10 December 2011 in the Department of Mathematics, UGC Centre for innovative PG Studies in Cyber security.
9. Bindu Abraham, ‘A new DAR(1)/D/s queue for analyzing computer virus effects’ in the XXXI Annual Convention of Indian Society for probability and Statistics(ISPS) and International conference on Statistics, Probability and related areas during 19-22 December 2011 organized by Department of Statistics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin.
10. Bindu Abraham, ‘Impact of Climate Change on Epidemics – Analysis by using Gumbel Count Model’ in the International Conference on Epidemiology , Special Focus to Modelling Infectious and Chronic Disease Data using Time Series and Spatial Data Analysis during August 16-18, 2012 organized by St. Thomas College, Pala.
11. Bindu Abraham “Analysis of Queueing system with discrete Autoregressive Arrivals Having DML as Marginal distribution”, in the National Seminar on Statistical Theory and Applications organized by Department of Statistics & Biostatistics, St. Thomas college,Pala,during 15-16, March 2013.
12. Bindu Abraham, “Time series with discrete stable marginals”, National Seminar on Advances in Statistical theory and Computational Applications organized by Department of Statistics, Newman College, Thodupuzha, August 29- 30, 2013.
13. Bindu Abraham, “Analysis and modeling of queues with discrete autoregressive arrivals”, National Seminar on Process capability studies with special emphasis on Computational Techniques and recent trends in Statistics, organized by Department of Statistics, Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha, October 3-5, 2013.
14. Bindu Abraham “Analysis of G-queues with input traffic governed by DAR(1) arrivals”, International Conference on Stochastic modeling and workshop on Meta Analysis and Annual Conference of Kerala Statistical Association organized by Dept. of Statistics and Biostatistics, St. Thomas College, Pala, January 3-4, 20
Baselios Poulose II Catholicose College, Baselios Mount, Piravom, 686 664, Ernakulam Dist, Kerala